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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Provide education in poor countries

A Project of http://youthcm.com
Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Much of the world's poor live in regions of East Asia and Pacific, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Enrollment levels recorded in these regions correspond to their economic performance. According to data from the World Bank, in developing strong Growth in East Asia, the primaryschool enrollment rate, which was 86% in 1980, had reached 99% in 1997. The gender disparity is even more striking. Schooling girls is incomparably lower than that of boys in low-income countries. They are particularly disadvantaged South Asia and Africa and in many other countries, boys and girls are enrolled in a roughly equal, girls with sometimes a slight advantage. Disabled children are particularly disadvantaged. It is estimated only 5% of African children who have difficulty learn to attend school, while 70% of them could be if the schools had the right facilities. However, even where suitable facilities, there are times when parents send their disabled childrenbeg in the streets instead of enroll in school.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Education in developing countries

A Project of http://youthcm.com
In an ideal circumstances, basic education would be universal and funded by government money and the children would be educated, that their parents whether or not the means or the will. The reason is very simple: when a child does not have the skills elementary to act as a responsible member and productive part of society, not only the child who loses, but the entire society. In fact, the costs resulting from failure education of children is much larger than the cost of their education. An adult who lacks the skills base is much more difficult to find a good paying job and so to escape poverty. Girls' enrollment has advantages Social particularly notable: educated women income levels and higher rates of maternal mortality and lower infant. They also enjoy greater freedom of choice. Despite considerable progress over the past two decades, enrollment in the poorest countries is far from universal. According to the United Nations Development, approximately 112.9 million children were not school at the end of calender year 2003. Because basic education is a right and that education children is beneficial for society as a whole is the State must take charge, including bearing the cost education of poor children. Yet, in many poor countries, the state has no such obligation. The State may not have the resources to provide free education for all, or because a significant portion of its economy is informal and therefore not subject to tax and, therefore, the plate tax is reduced, either because the tax administration and PER2 Economic Issue No. 33 exception of taxes are deficient. In many countries (often the same), the State is not using its resources. Funds are badly managed and ineffective, if not corruption, may prevent schools receive the resources intended for them. Moreover, the will policy to ensure universal education may be lacking in non-democratic societies, where elites fear their population, once educated, is better equipped to deliver question their supremacy. It is certainly a priority to attach to correct these deficiencies, but it will take time. That can be done while waiting for the education of children poor countries poor? A recent World Bank report shows that funding at least part of basic education by parents is a widespread practice in 77 of 79 countries. These contributions can take different forms. Tuition may cover the salaries of teachers and administrators, the cost of materials - pencils and textbooks, for example - as well as maintenance of schools. Parents can also be required to make contributions in kind: food teachers, assistance in the classroom, or physical work for building or repairing schools. It is important to study the effect of these contributions from parents on education in poor countries before deciding whether to continue the reform or ban them.

Monday, 20 February 2012

The Drama of Youth Unemployment

A project of http://youthcm.com
Youth Career Management (YCM) reported that: Unemployment among 15-24 year olds continues to worsen. End of 2011, the rate was 24% while that for 2549 years was 8.5%. But do not imagine that a quarter of young people looking for a job. The unemployment rate does indeed that active (employed or unemployed). In fact, most young people are studying and do not seek any odd jobs. However, the rate of 24% hides a high proportion of people in indefinite status: neither in education nor in employment or training and not necessarily registered at employment center. 1 million of 8 million people aged 15-24.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Role of physical activities in Educational Institutions

A project of http://youthcm.com
YouthCareer Management (YCM) reports that: Teaching physical education is compulsory in primary school. Two hours of instruction per week are suggested, but the actual time spent on this matter is left to the discretion of school boards. Mainly because of methodological difficulties, the practice of recreational physical activity for children 6 to 11 years is very poorly documented in schools. Besides theschool, we must also stress the importance of the influence of family background in the acquisition of healthy lifestyles. Indeed, when parents engage in regular physical activity, young people tend to imitate. A recent survey of the changing levels of physical activity in leisure side, reports that the level of practice tends to decrease from one year to another. YouthCareer Management note that the largest decrease corresponds to the transition from primary to secondary. This transition would likely constitute an important link related to disengagement process of the student.

Physical activities at school

YouthCareer Management suggested that Teaching physical education is mandatory in high school and 50 hours per year should be devoted to it. It is found that high school boys are more active than girls the same age. According to survey, with the exception of physical education classes, nearly 26.5% of boys were practicing one or more sports more than 11 hours per week, against only 6.5% for girls. Over 43.7% of girls had less than two hours of sport per week, against only 19% of boys. Finally, 24% against 10% of girls and boys do not practice any sports activity. Note that 71% of youth aged 15 to 19 years who work or have a status other than being a student does not practice physical activity at least three times per week compared to 56% in young usually studies . The survey results also show that the frequency of the practice of physical activity is related to socioeconomic level. Indeed, 62% of young poor practice less than three times a week physical activity, compared with 54% who live in households with incomes above the average.

Physical activities of young adults

For 18 to 29 years, the practice of physical activity is more common for boys than for girls Nearly a third of boys against only 22% of girls are physically active three or more times a week. Conversely, 40% against 50% of the first practice of a second activity at a frequency clearly insufficient, i.e. less than three times a month.

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Sunday, 12 February 2012

What do we know of youth crime?

Youth Career Management (YCM) reported: The problem of crime among youth has become a significant problem. Many young people commit offenses. Many young offenders are even repeat offenders. This is a serious problem because the offenders are causing incalculable harm to their victims and they will be the adult criminals of tomorrow. Most are parents and their behavior will affect their children. Delinquency is a complex problem because it manifests itself in different ways and because it is the result of the interaction of multiple personal and social factors. Delinquency is perceived differently by the experience of the observer. For parents, it takes the form of rudeness, of incorrigibility, flights home, running away from drug use. At school, it is manifested by conduct disorder in the classroom and disrespect for teachers, fights, flights and lots of vandalism. Media, crime is reduced violent crime, inter ethnic incidents and gang fights. For the police, judiciary and professional assistance, delinquency is made of Criminal Code offenses, assaults and thefts, and violations of civil laws on driving, on attendance at licensed premises, etc.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Youth Problem: How to select college after school education?

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: After completing school other big step for a student is the selection of good college. Students face big problem in this regard. Selection of a good college is one of the most important steps for getting quality education in their selected field of study as well as good character building. In college selection the most important factor is its reputation, students graduated from well reputed college, universities can get jobs easily. In most of the developing countries, students does not have good knowledge about the colleges. They only knew about those which are nearby their residence or are famous in their family. Normally, parents want their children to get admission in one of the best college/ universities. To do so first and foremost they need to score good in their secondary school examination. Those who do so can get easily get admission in best college/ universities others who left behind face more difficulty in college/ university selection.
Selection of good college needs careful market analysis and following factors should be taken into account: (1)Reputation and history of college (2)Academic Programs offered (3)Faculty Members (4)Careers in job market (5)Fee structure and quality of education (6)Co-curricular activities (7)Reputation in foreign market(8)Other facilities i.e. transportation etc. While selecting a college/ university for education most important is its market reputation. A well reputed institute ensures good job for the candidate, by ensuring well professional development according to the current market requirements. Along with these factors other facilities should also be notice while selecting a college/ university for admission. One of the most important factors is college/university transportation. Transportation is one of the major issues in countries. Mostly college/ universities are located far from residential areas, after getting admission the major problem is of transportation. Meanwhile it doesn’t mean to go for the nearby not so well reputed institute.  Currently, majority institutes have realized this problem and are providing transportation facility almost all areas of city.
 Thus, in order to make sure the selection of good college/ university try to get expert help, after all it’s the matter of your whole life.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Unemployment of Youth

A project of http://youthcm.com

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that : It is clear that many young people are experiencing serious difficulties in the transition between school and work, a process in which education plays an extremely crucial. If the highly educated young do not seem to be worse off than previous generations, their less educated are. Compared to youth of 20 years ago, less educated youths are much more likely to be unemployed. Those who belong to this group deserve undeniably subject to special attention from policymakers, given the problems they face on the labor market are largely structural in nature and are likely to persist into the adulthood if they do not find a suitable solution now.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Government roll in Youth Career Management

Youth Career Management recommendations about youth employment that: The government should takes measures to ensure that young people go to school and find work.. The policy of the Youth Career Management to youth unemployment has 2 characteristics: (1) Prevention. The Youth Career Management wants to prevent a large group of young people through the crisis comes home to sit, for example by encouraging them longer to learn. Supply and demand more closely into line job plans are established and there is a matching offensive started. (2) Stimulation of long-term unemployed young people. The Youth Career Management encourages long-term unemployed young people and youth at risk (such as early school leavers) to work, learning or both. Thus, young people under 27 years without eligibility for assistance. The municipality offers them a job offer and learn first offer. The YouthCareer Management has taken measures to youth unemployment. These are, among other: (a) Action Plan youth; (b) the Act to invest in young people; (c) more and longer-term contracts (d) Small jobs scheme.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Importance of Youth Career Management for young Drug Addicts

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Many young people are victims of impoverishment and social marginalization, lack of employment, an education that meets the requirements of the life, drug trafficking, guerrillas, gangs, prostitution, alcoholism, sexual abuse. Many young people live lulled by the propaganda of the media and by cultural impositions and the immediate pragmatism have created new problems in effective restraint of adolescents and youth.

This new vision of the world today, who wants to impose the rule of "I am for what I have" to have power, knowledge, aspirations, progress, are dimensions of a person, but being a person transcends all this, as this is relative and the men and women tend to all. Sometimes we believe that greed refers only to money, having things, but there are many hearts desires for sex stores, admiration, prestige, being older, being better than the other or another, have knowledge, who prefer . This is creating in us and us a competitive world of consumer dissatisfaction, immorality and corruption.

The youth of today should pause and reflect. Adopt a more aggressive and they are made using as alienated objects and fashions, cheap consumer advertising, that manipulate and create artificial needs, if not balanced decide what is best for him or her. Today's youth can not and must be a bird in a cage without effort, without illusions, no expectations, you have to spread their wings and fly, in a clear sky and full of hope.

Youth have the right to a better society:

The youth stage is loaded with vital questions and presents the challenge of having a life plan, staff and community. A project that gives meaning to their lives, who did not drop into an existential value, but allows fully achieve personal fulfillment. Youth questioned everything has a spirit of risk, courage and creativity to respond to changes and demands of the world you live.

It is very sensitive to social problems and demands authenticity and veracity. Rejects a society overrun by rebel hypocrisy and anti-values. But with feelings of pain, we say that our current society is far from the society in which they are entitled to live it and the young of today. Today, many young people who are victims of Impoverishment and social marginalization product of great social injustice. A rejection of their behavior, motivated perhaps by the psychological trauma of being sons and daughters cynical, pampered, spoiled, of divorced parents in a household where no dialogue, understand, love ...

    An education system that is unresponsive to their concerns and meet your expectations.

    A state that does not provide stability, security and encouragement for the future, with low wages, no chance to practice their profession or trade.

   Our Youth have the right to live in another society where:

The Family: play its true role and she loves to be corrected, is dialogue. They learn the true values. Where there is a meeting place, search for solutions, not conflict, to live in harmony, fidelity, love, tolerance and understanding.

The State: assume their role and provide an education based on the code states rights to protect children, and adolescents who says: "Every child (ren) and adolescents have the right to education, aimed at developing healthy his person, so that they can prepare to fully exercise their rights as citizens and therefore must have: Equality, Primary, Free Access to Public Schools."

In addition, the state must give youth opportunities that can be done professionally. You must create a climate in which young people can acquire a critical sense of life in the practice of justice, democracy, peace, social equality and personal safety have to live without violence, no drugs and prostitution .. ...

The Company: that gives young people the opportunity to be men and women responsible, creative, participatory structures active in cultural, political, educational, and family to be protagonists of their own present and future exercise its rights and duties.

In short, today's young people are entitled to a society that can really live and develop with dignity as they are: Sons and Daughters of God.

Duties of Youth

For young people as people are made at all levels, need to grow and develop, not stagnant. There are several areas in which, as individuals, have to grow to achieve a comprehensive and harmonious development. Among these are:

Area Human Maturity: That is, be able to adapt his own life what it is, what you have. To know and feel worthy of the place and people he has played live. And to have relationships with others, harmonious, kind, polite. Start a sincere search for truth, freedom and a taste for authentic values. Go to create a critical assessment to events, with balance and fairness. Manage to have a spirit of dialogue of understanding, commitment, drive you to family responsibilities, social, political and work for peace and justice. Feeling the need to prepare, intellectually and spiritually; stop the desire to excel, to be somebody and something. Appreciate and value your home and everything she is and does.

Area Intellectual in which it has a duty to: take advantage of the opportunities offered by the family or the state to study and take responsibility for their studies with perseverance and love. Aim to achieve a trade or profession to have any benefit for themselves, family and state. Also be disseminators of knowledge to others (as) to learn, train and useful. Always have an interest to continue upgrading their education and receive training every day, remembering that you can always learn something, no matter the age

Monday, 30 January 2012

Youth is a milestone in the development of the human being. Our society must allow the majority of young people growing up in a favorable context, to fit properly and to find an answer to their needs. For the majority of them are with their parents, their families and their living environments, the resources necessary to ensure their health, safety, welfare and development. However this is not the case for all young people in whom we find the majority of problems including:

The changing demographics of the family level: affects both society as a whole and children in particular. Les factors that affect the family unit are: the economy, war, natural disasters, disease, physical abuse, divorce ...

Child Abuse: to be demonstrated by the negligence, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional harassment, and all other forms of ill treatment to a minor child by a person responsible for his care.

The poverty that affects health, nutrition, employment, literacy, housing, health and safety of children. This is the economic and social problem not yet solved in the world today.

Psychological disorders: experienced by young adults, which include depression and suicide. Symptoms of depression in adolescents often occur by sadness, feelings of isolation, loss of appetite, hopelessness, apathy, withdrawal into oneself, crying and insomnia .

Depression: which factors are: a history of depression within the family, stress, smoking, the death of a parent or a loved one, a broken relationship, a behavioral disorder or learning to draw attention, chronic illness, an abuse or neglect or other trauma such as surviving a natural disaster.

Suicide: Among the causes are economic difficulties, social isolation, hopelessness, alcohol, drug use, stress, life crises and the breakdown of the family, including divorce .

Sexual activity: the teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS are issues that affect young people around the world.

Alcohol: Mortality factor in people.

Violence: Including the use of arms. Poverty and lack of employment opportunities are often the impetus for violent behavior.

Monday, 23 January 2012

The major problem of the youth is the directionless education provided by our educational institutions. It is a common practice among our youth to have graduation and then start their professional learning. The concept of Youth Career Management is different. Youth Career Management believes that youth must have knowledge of  professional expertise before stating their professional career. Youth must know what they are capable of.

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