Youth Career Management (YCM) reported: The problem of crime among youth has become a
significant problem. Many young people
commit offenses. Many young offenders are even repeat offenders. This
is a serious problem because the offenders are causing incalculable harm to
their victims and they will be the adult criminals of tomorrow. Most
are parents and their behavior will affect their children. Delinquency
is a complex problem because it manifests itself in different ways and because
it is the result of the interaction of multiple personal and social factors. Delinquency
is perceived differently by the experience of the observer. For
parents, it takes the form of rudeness, of incorrigibility, flights home,
running away from drug use. At
school, it is manifested by conduct disorder in the classroom and disrespect
for teachers, fights, flights and lots of vandalism. Media,
crime is reduced violent crime, inter ethnic incidents and gang fights. For
the police, judiciary and professional assistance, delinquency is made of
Criminal Code offenses, assaults and thefts, and violations of civil laws on
driving, on attendance at licensed premises, etc.
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