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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Role of physical activities in Educational Institutions

A project of http://youthcm.com
YouthCareer Management (YCM) reports that: Teaching physical education is compulsory in primary school. Two hours of instruction per week are suggested, but the actual time spent on this matter is left to the discretion of school boards. Mainly because of methodological difficulties, the practice of recreational physical activity for children 6 to 11 years is very poorly documented in schools. Besides theschool, we must also stress the importance of the influence of family background in the acquisition of healthy lifestyles. Indeed, when parents engage in regular physical activity, young people tend to imitate. A recent survey of the changing levels of physical activity in leisure side, reports that the level of practice tends to decrease from one year to another. YouthCareer Management note that the largest decrease corresponds to the transition from primary to secondary. This transition would likely constitute an important link related to disengagement process of the student.

Physical activities at school

YouthCareer Management suggested that Teaching physical education is mandatory in high school and 50 hours per year should be devoted to it. It is found that high school boys are more active than girls the same age. According to survey, with the exception of physical education classes, nearly 26.5% of boys were practicing one or more sports more than 11 hours per week, against only 6.5% for girls. Over 43.7% of girls had less than two hours of sport per week, against only 19% of boys. Finally, 24% against 10% of girls and boys do not practice any sports activity. Note that 71% of youth aged 15 to 19 years who work or have a status other than being a student does not practice physical activity at least three times per week compared to 56% in young usually studies . The survey results also show that the frequency of the practice of physical activity is related to socioeconomic level. Indeed, 62% of young poor practice less than three times a week physical activity, compared with 54% who live in households with incomes above the average.

Physical activities of young adults

For 18 to 29 years, the practice of physical activity is more common for boys than for girls Nearly a third of boys against only 22% of girls are physically active three or more times a week. Conversely, 40% against 50% of the first practice of a second activity at a frequency clearly insufficient, i.e. less than three times a month.


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