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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Importance of Youth Career Management for young Drug Addicts

Youth Career Management (YCM) reports that: Many young people are victims of impoverishment and social marginalization, lack of employment, an education that meets the requirements... Seguir leyendo »

Monday, 30 January 2012

Youth is a milestone in the development of the human being. Our society must allow the majority of young people growing up in a favorable context, to fit properly and to find... Seguir leyendo »

Monday, 23 January 2012

The major problem of the youth is the directionless education provided by our educational institutions. It is a common practice among our youth to have graduation and then start... Seguir leyendo »
Youth Career Management | Copyright © 2011 Diseñado por: compartidisimo | Con la tecnología de: Blogger